Productive Conflict & Communication


Turn workplace conflict situations into healthy and productive discussion and debate with Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict


Conflict happens in organizations and destructive conflict leads to poor performance, inefficiency, and turnover. Having healthy conflict can greatly improve how organizations manage decision making, resulting in happier employees, better and faster decisions, and ultimately improved results.

This program is for all levels in an organization and is based on the Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict model by Wiley. This powerful model backed by over 40 years of research describes four basic individual tendencies and preference styles: D, i, S, and C, and how they relate to conflict and communication.

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Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Map


Each person’s style provides insights into their conflict behaviors. By understanding their own destructive and productive conflict behaviors, as well as that of others in each DiSC style, participants learn how to manage their responses during conflict situations. This leads to reduced tension and productive communication and results.

program overview:

Online Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Assessment

  • Assesses participant’s conflict behaviors.

Personalized Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Report

  • The report provides a personalized assessment of the participant’s productive conflict DiSC style and insights and strategies to help them turn conflict with others into productive conflict.

Group Facilitation Session (in-person or virtual session)

  • Report debrief.

  • Learning the DiSC Productive Conflict model and how to use it in the workplace.

  • Customized experiential learning exercises specific to client.

  • Strategies and action plan for each participant.


  • Resources and support for applying DiSC Productive Conflict in the workplace.

Stone Ridge Consulting is an authorized partner for Everything DiSC®



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